Wednesday, September 29, 2010

[NEWS] Who has the hottest abs, “Lie” “or Daesung”?

Men’s Store online shopping mall recently tweeted a photo of a model named as “Lie” with the caption of “Following Big Bang Daesung’s abs“.

With Daesung‘s luxurious abs being a recent hot topic, ‘Lie‘ seemed to have ‘reproduced’ the pose with his own version, attracting attention from the netizens.

However netizens reacted differently to the photos, some left positive comments like “It will be nice if he looks good too“, “Amazing Abs“, “He’s a beast” while there were also comments such as “Daesung is much better” and “His arms and legs are too long“.

Men’s Store photographer, Jo Seung Hyun revealed, “Lie once starred in a Big Bang’s beer commercial” and “He is actually a fan of Daesung, who is always ready and working hard on his acting and studies”.

‘Lie‘ was known to have appeared in more than 10 CFs with one that includes After School’s UEE.
The guy “Lie” is a little too…what’s the word..dirty? lol i dont know but Daesung’s abs just look more natural to me and appealing, Lie is too skinny. what do you think? =P Daesungie +2 votes! ^_^
Translated: Aoiare @ 21bangs

2 coments:

Anonymous said...

I prefer Dae baby over the other guy because sometimes being too ripped looks weird. Dae baby is just right :D.

Emy said...


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