
Monday, September 27, 2010

[TRANSLATIONS] Daesung’s interview on Japan’s Junon Magazine

Getting excited just by looking at a girl’s warm smile

Q: Smiley Angel D-LITE, what is your secret to smiling beautifully?
D-LITE: hehe (shy laughs). I have never once think that my smile would be beautiful… (laughs). I naturally laugh at happy things that happens around me.

Q: In opposite, have you cried recently?
D-LITE: None at the moment. I don’t cry often. Though there wasn’t any ‘thing’ for me to cry yet, but currently I’m filming a korean drama, I get nervous because of that. This is the first time I’m acting, It is going to be tough, that is why i begged them not to add ‘crying scenes’ (laughs).

Q: What must a girl do to make you feel excited?
D-LITE: Her smile. The smile from the first meeting will leave a good impression of her. It is quite impossible to describe with words but not just a simple smile, it must be those that are heart warming in order to make me feel excited.

Q: BIG BANG attended many summer events in Japan, the one that left the deepest impression on you?
D-LITE: I remembered attending the Summer Sonic 2010, there were lots of awesome singers who attended too. I even played darts with one of the members at the backstage room. It was so fun. That was the first time I played darts, and I won! I just played it randomly (laughs). I hit the bullseye for 5-6 times, which shows that I’m the first. I must have skills at throwing darts (laughs). We played for 2 rounds, and SOL was the last for every round (laughs).

Q: Recomendations for ‘BEAUTIFUL HANGOVER’ are?
D-LITE: I recommend listening to this song when you feel like changing your mood away from loneliness. You might feel happier after listening to it. ‘SOMEBODY TO LUV‘ has a simple melody yet I think that you will hear the beats after setting it on repeat. It is a song that you will probably like it after hearing it for many times, everyone should give it a try.

Q: What is the most beautiful thing for you?
D-LITE: Isn’t it JUNON! (laughs) (Looking at the September issue of JUNON) This is really awesome~. There are poker cards introductions, It’s really cute and nice.

Q: What is the thing you have to do this Autumn?
D-LITE: Must it be Autumn? (laughs) I want to visit the ice rink this Winter. Ever since I went to learn skiing 3 years ago, I have never visited that place anymore, so I want to check if I still have the skills. If theres a chance, I would like to visit the ice rink in Japan.

Image: Tisya
Translated by: Aoiare @21BANGS.COM

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