
Saturday, September 25, 2010

[TRANSLATIONS] T.O.P’s Interview on Junon Magazine

Q: What is your best memory this summer?
TOP: The movie “Into The Fire” that I acted was released and many people watched it. After that, we performed at Summer Sonic 2010 in Japan so I was really in a high. It was so hot but the audience was hotter than the heat. (Laghs) Because of this I was able to feel better and run around the stage.

Q: You aid in your last Junon interview that you wanted to go travel and relax in Japan. Were you able to do that?
TOP: Regrettably, no. (Laughs) However, I went to Bali in private last June. After I debuted as a member of BIGBANG, I kept doing music work and shooting TV series or movies. I didn’t have much rest. So, I made sure to have a rest after finishing the movie. I went there to relax and didn’t go sight-seeing. I just stayed at the hotel.
Q: You’re really tall. Have you been like this since you were a kid?
TOP: I’m just 180cm. I started to grow taller suddenly when I entered high school. I think it’s because I played a lot of sports and it was really a time to grow. I was reserved as a kid and I rarely went out to play. However, I wasn’t reclusive and unsociable. (Laughs) I liked composing poems at home.

Q: What is your daily routine?
 TOP: Meditation. Everyday I try to allot a time to think deeply, if possible. I really think of various of things. I may feel lonely and may also feel happy. Sometimes I get headaches but this is a precious time for me to grow my spirit.

Q: What is your ideal image of a man?
 TOP: A man should be elegant and have a sense of adventure. I want to live freely without having to bound to something.

Q: What is something a woman does that make your heart feel thrilled?
 TOP: This is not something a woman does but my heart feels thrilled when I see a woman’s insteps. (Laughs) When I see a woman, me eyes go to her face, legs and then feet. I think a woman’s insteps while wearing high heels is really beautiful.

Q: What point of “Beautiful Hangover” do you really recommend?
 TOP: This song reminds us of the city scene at night. When I fall in love, I’ll be so into it to the point of losing my reason.

Source: Junon Magazine Japan
Translated by: NORIKO
Scanned by: Tisya @ bigbangupdates

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