
Thursday, September 16, 2010

[TWITTER] Taeyang’s Manager Got An Autograph from Taeyang!

Original Message:
오호~~! 사인씨디는 언제 받아도 기분좋다 특히 내가 담당하고 있는 가수에게 !!!!!! 이제 9일 남은건가~~ 모두 모두 화이팅 ~~~멋진 콘서트가 될꺼야^^
oooh~~! it always feels great to receive an autographed album especially from the singer who I work for!!!! it’s only 9 days left~~ fighting for everyone~~ it will b the great concert^^
Source: codeboram @ twitter
Thanks to Huisuyoon@ 21BANGS for the translations!

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