Saturday, September 18, 2010

[VIDEO] TOP & Seungri’s drama “My 19″ will air on SBS on September 21st!

Well it was about time they broadcasted this drama/film. “My 19″ is part of a 7 episode drama that has different sypnosis for each episode and each episode has two parts. “My 19″ was the last episode and it will air as a drama in Korea and as a film in Japan.
My 19 sypnosis: Three nineteen-year-olds, Cha Eun Young, Seo Jung Hoon (TOP) and Park Min Seo (Seungri), are on the run after being accused of murder.
The drama version will air on September 21st at 12:35pm on SBS. I’m guessing both parts will be shown that same day. I saw they’re selling the DVD of this already in some online sites but I didn’t buy it so I’m definitely gonna tune in because it’s been almost a year since this movie was made!

Credit: Alee@ibigbang

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