
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

[ME2DAY] Seungri is Dara’s teacher?

ORIGINAL: 승리아카데미의 승리원장님과 그의 첫번째이자 유일한 수제자인 다라학생!ㅋㅋㅋ 덕분에 강심장에서 열심히 할수있었던 다라! 한편 박봄은 잠깐 승리아카데미에 등록을햇지만 원장님과의 짧은 대화뒤에 코드가 맞지않아 바로 탈퇴햇다고함!ㅋㅋ 이제 엠넷틀어놓고 대기하세용!^.^

TRANSLATIONS: Seungri Academy’s dean, Seungri appointed his first and only student, Dara!kekeke Dara was able to do a great job in Strong Heart and it’s all thanks to him! On the other hand, Park Bom registered into Seungri Academy and waited but the Dean said the short code she entered was wrong and immediately told her to leave!keke Please wait for MNET to air!^.^

Source: Dara’s Me2Day
Translated by: //

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