Wednesday, October 5, 2011

[News] G-Dragon avoids marijuana smoking charges

A member of the popular boy band Big Bang has been found to have illegally smoked marijuana but was released without an indictment because he smoked only a tiny amount, prosecutors said Wednesday.

G-Dragon, 23, the leader of the five-member boy band had his indictment suspended by the Seoul Central District Prosecutors'Office after being questioned by prosecutors on charges of smoking marijuana.

During a recent interrogation, the singer whose real name is Kwon Ji-yong admitted to having smoked marijuana at a club in Japan in May while he was on a performance trip, according to the prosecutors.

The prosecution's test of Kwon's hair in July verified his use of the banned drug, the prosecutors added.

"I smoked a cigarette, which a random Japanese guy gave to me in a Japanese club. I suspected it to be marijuana since it smelled different, but I smoked it anyway," G-Dragon was quoted by the prosecutors as saying during the interrogation.

Given that the singer inhaled just a small amount and prosecutors detected only a meager level of marijuana components in the singer's body, the prosecution did not indict him, they said.

G-Dragon's expression of remorse and confession also helped him avoid an indictment that would lead to a court trial, the prosecution noted.

Under South Korean law, marijuana users can be sentenced to a maximum of five years in jail or fined up to 50 million won ($42,000).

Source: Yonhap

G-Dragon caught smoking marijuana but gets off with a suspension of indictment

It has been revealed that Big Bang’s G-Dragon had been investigated by the prosecutors’ office of Korea for allegedly smoking marijuana.

Seoul central prosecutors’ office, violent criminal division’s chief prosecutor has stated, “We decided to rule suspension of indictment on behalf of G-Dragon for him breaking the drug law.” According to the prosecutors’ office G-Dragon has smoked marijuana in Japan back in May and he was tested positive for a drug test done in July.

A spokesperson for the prosecutors’ office stated:
“G-Dragon was given a cigarette in a club in Japan from an individual who he didn’t even know the name. He said it smelled different from the regular cigarettes and he suspected it of being marijuana, but that he did smoke a little anyway.

G-Dragon is not a regular smoker of marijuana and this is his first time smoking it. Also, the amount of it he had in his system was too small to lawfully rule it a positive drug test. We have considered the fact that he is only a college student and therefore have ruled suspension of indictment on his behalf.”
By receiving a suspension of indictment the crimes go under your records, but for considerations of age, the severity of crime, and behavior after the fact, you do not get prosecuted.

Source: Joongang via Nate
Translation from
Omg..what r u doing GD.. :(( I hope this won't affect to your career...

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