
Friday, May 4, 2012

[Me2Day] Seungri Me2Day Update (20120504)

Original text: 영웅들의 모습이 한영화에담겨진 영화 어벤져스 덕분에 멤버들과 좋은 문화생활을즐길수있었습니다. 여러분들은 어떤영웅들의 FAN이신가요?^_^ 영화한편보러가세요! 

Trans: Thanks to the Avengers which have all of hero's figures, I could enjoy good cutural life with members. Are you fan of which heros?^_^ Go to see a movie! 

Tags: Billionaire, Genius of science, I want to have Ironman's suit

Translated by: @

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