Thursday, March 31, 2011
[Video] Big Bang with YG Family @ Nikon Press Conference on Y-Star (110331)
Source: BBVIPZ via gilbakk
[Photos] Hwang ssabu Tweets a Photo of Seungri

Hello~ everyone^^
He that will not sail till all danger are over must never put to sea - Thomas Fuller. gogogo~~~~
[INTERVIEW] Taeyang’s GQ Interview!
When I read about Taeyang, the words that come up the most are ‘sincerity’ and ‘honesty.’
It’s something I talked about a lot.
Does that govern everything in your life?
No, that’s not really the case. It’s just one of those things that you’re born with, that can’t be easily changed, you know? It’s not so much that I’m trying hard to be that way. It’s just me, I think.
Have there been times when you wanted to change your personality? Some people just act on their impulses while you worry or overthink. And a lot of times, those results are better.
That’s true. To tell you the truth, I felt that way a little bit after my last solo activities. It wasn’t for very long, and it wasn’t so much that I wanted to change. But I think I gained a certain amount of confidence. It’s not “I have to change something,” but more a feeling of, “Ah, no matter what I try now, I can at least feel confident about this part.” I feel like I’ve gained composure or confidence.
[INTERVIEW] G-Dragon’s W Magazine Interview!
When you were doing an interview for your solo album 2 years ago, this is what you wrote. ‘G-Dragon is not an idol. He’s an icon.’ When I see Big Bang now, I think you guys passed the image of idol.
I think people’s view of us and our place within the 2 years and 3 months have changed. All that time, the age average have decreased and we have aged a little bit more. I’m kind of embarrassed to be called an idol and I think we’re currently on our way to becoming a musician.
After ‘Lies,’ the hook songs were overflowing and you came back by throwing away that style. As a producer for this new album, did you think that you had to make music that was different from your common idol songs?
I did think that we had to be different. We could have taken the easy way, but I thought we shouldn’t, so we continuously changed the song which took a long time. The title song, ‘Tonight,’ was actually made one and a half years ago and we spent all that time changing it. While resting, I watched a lot of music programs and it wasn’t the certain style of music, but the time spent on the whole song in general was too fast which made me feel a bit disappointed. Before, when I listened to a song, that song would become the memory that I had during that time. But these days, the songs don’t have a lingering scent or leave a certain memory for the listeners. I wanted to make those kind of songs. A song that will be loved by many and also becomes a memory for the listeners. Because we went through this process, people become more attached to this album.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
[Video] Big Bang OnStyle: W Korea Photoshoot- Part 2 (ENG SUB)
Translated by Myztifize and Rice @ bigbangupdates
Edited by Sfuza_14 @ bigbangupdates
Timed and Subbed by Andie @ bigbangupdates
[News] T.O.P dressed up with Son Yeon Jae for FILA
Rhythm gymnist Son Yeon Jae and Big Bang’s T.O.P paired up for a cute sneakers pictorial.
The pair had a photoshoot for sports brand ‘FILA’, which sponsors both athletes and models. Son Yeon Jae exhibited her sweetness with her pink sneakers, while T.O.P looked chic in green.
A representative from FILA expressed, “After revealing the Son Yeon Jae and Big Bang cuts, there has been an increase in consumer inquiry and interest. Son Yeon Jae and Big Bang’s popularities were realized once again.”
Source: Sports Chosun via Nate
Translations: allkpop
[Video] Big Bang OnStyle: W Korea Photoshoot- Part 1 (ENG SUB)
credit : Myztifize and Rice @bigbangupdates + sfuza_14 @ bigbangupdates
[Me2Day] G-Dragon me2Day Update!
“2011/03/30 @17:26:58
Please laugh pow pow~!”
Please laugh pow pow~!”
credit : GD me2day + TeamBigBang
haha..what are you doing GD?? You're so damn funny..It has been a long time I've never seen that kind of foolish..haha..
[Photos] G-Dragon spotted at 2011 Seoul Fashion Week!
The woman who seat besides GD was Big Bang stylist, Ji Eun Unnie.
credit : ‘BIU./DCGD,rae/DCGD’ + TeamBigBang
(VIDEO) Mnet Wide News : Big Bang x 10 Corso Como for W Korea interview
credit : YGgilbakk/youtube + TeamBigBang
[INTERVIEW] TOP’s W Magazine Interview!
I saw you appearing on a talk show. I thought you only matched well as an actor, but your character matches well with variety as well. I saw a very unexpected clumsy side.
I thought things like that was needed. If Daesung wasn’t part of the program, then I would’ve been scared. Before up till now, I’ve always been scared of going to places where there’s a lot of people I don’t know. But it was okay because 3 of the members were there. I don’t really like to be the type who’s always talking and is always loud in front of people, but I had the idea about getting closer to the audience. I tried to show that I’m not a burdening person, but a soft person.
[NEWS] Big Bang’s Special Edition Album Cover Revealed + Pre-order info!
YGESHOP has Big Bang’s 4.5th album up for pre-ordering and details about the album and it’s contents have been posted!
Album Release Date: April 8th at midnight
Pre-order album dates: March 30th to April 7th
Price: 19,000 won (17 dollars)
1. Big Bang Poster
2. Big Bang Photobook (100+ pages)
3. YG Family card
4. 10 songs
Pre-order at DVDheaven!
(source: ygeshop)
YG really makes my wallet thinner...i don't sure i can buy it..since i was scolded by my mom for buying 3 albums already..T,T
[VIDEO] Big Bang on UV Syndrome with Yoo Se Yoon!
(source: YGgilbakk@yt) was such a ridiculous show..haha..
[VIDEO] Another TOP’s UFO Video Message
(source: WeezingKoffing@yt)
UFO message,
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
[Video] Big Bang on "Mnet Sound Plex" Part 2 Preivew
Broadcast is on April 2.
Source: lak7jin / bbvipz
[VIDEOS] Seungri “Running Man” ENG Subbed Videos + Download!
Watch episode 30 with Seungri here!
If you wish to download the episode in high quality visit isubs for download links. ^^
[Photo] Yg-Life reveals TOP “Stupid Liar” teaser photo!
After breaking headlines with news of BIG BANG’s upcoming special mini album release, YG Entertainment updated their YG-LIFE blog with a teaser photo featuring member TOP.
“APRIL FOOL’S DAY BIGBANG’S NEW TRACK ‘Stupid Liar’ 30 Second Preview”
“APRIL FOOL’S DAY BIGBANG’S NEW TRACK ‘Stupid Liar’ 30 Second Preview”
credit: evil4life via gokpop + yg-life
(VIDEO) Big Bang on “UV Syndrome Begins” preview!
Broadcast at March 29.
source: Bestiz via YGgilbakk
Monday, March 28, 2011
[News] Big Bang's "Love and Pain Tour" faced with strong opposition from fans (110328)
Idol group BIGBANG’s Japan tour faced with strong opposition from their fans. BIGBANG is scheduled to have their Japan tour on May 10th and 11th in Osaka, and from May 13th till 15th, they will hold the concerts in Makuhari Messe.
Moreover, they will also hold concerts in Nagoya on May 17th and 18th. That means a total of 7 concerts will be held according to the the original plan. However, on 11th of March, an earthquake of 9.0 magnitude occurred in the north east part of Japan. Afterwards, tsunamis hazards emerged together with the threats of radiation explosions.
The whole Japan is facing emergency situation. Even though the Japanese government has spared all of their efforts in dealing with the critical situation, the nuclear radiation threat from Fukushima is still hard to be contained. A number of Japan concerts has already been cancelled.
Since BIGBANG is believed to be holding their tour as planned, fans have expressed their opposition to it. YG Entertainment said they would only hold the tour in the safe regions instead of the dangerous ones. However, the fans said it is of no difference between the safe regions and dangerous regions at this period of time.
The fans commented, "Since there is a danger like this, we should put the safety of the singer on the top of the list." "Since Japanese are facing such kind of tragic incidents at the moment, I wonder whether they would still be interested in appreciating the concerts." "How do you distinguish the dangerous and safe regions in Japan?" and "It is the duty of the entertainment company to discuss with Universal Japan to decide whether to cancel or postpone the tour."
They have also commented ,"Other celebrities have also cancelled their concerts there so what is the point of insisting BIGBANG’s?" The decision has aroused a lot of criticisms from the fans.
Note: Information on the promotion and release of the special edition album are omitted
Source: donga news
Korean to Japanese translation: happyrichlife @ameblo
Japanese to English translation: Rice @ bigbangupdates
[Photo] Big Bang in the Studio Via Shaun Evaristo
[NEWS] Big Bang will release their new album this April 8th with two title tracks “Stupid Liar” and “Love Song”
Big Bang’s “Special Edition” album will be released this April 8th.
(Scheduled to be released online at midnight)
A total of 10 songs will be on this album, including songs from the 3 solo albums of each member, Seungri’s album, Taeyang’s album and GD&TOP’s album. Also songs from Big Bang’s 4th mini album… The “Special Edition” album will be a collection of the music the Big Bang members released for the past year.
In their five years of promoting Big Bang has never released a repackaged or best album of the same type, since this is their first time for Big Bang to release one, this “Special Edition” will have really special and enriching album packages, as well as jacket designing.
The “Special Edition” will contain a double title track, with “LOVE SONG” and “STUPID LIAR” being the two title songs. (A music video for “LOVE SONG” is scheduled to be released on April 15th)
YG gave a hint 2 days ago in the blog with “I Hate This Love Song!” that is actually a phrase G-DRAGON sings from the main melody in “LOVE SONG”. This song has quite a different atmosphere from any other song Big Bang has ever released and we expect the song will be able to deliver a new impression on fans.
“STUPID LIAR” was completed prior to the release of the 4th mini-album and was a fierce competition against the title track “Tonight” but we decided to save this song for this album.
The song will feature a strong and fast guitar riff with rock tendencies that laps really well with the member’s Big Bang vocals and rap.
Finally, Daesung’s solo performed last February during Big Bang’s Concert “BIG SHOW”, “BABY DON’T CRY” will also be included in this special edition album.
Broadcast Plans:
Big Bang’s first broadcast on April 10 has been confirmed to be on SBS’s “Inkigayo” and the double title tracks will be showcase.
Because Big Bang is scheduled for May-June for their Japanese Tour Dates the album’s activities are expected to go up until May 1st.
The short activity period of three weeks or less is sad, but but they will try to go on as many broadcasts as possible so fans can see them.
Translated: Sammi@ibigbang
[VIDEOS] Big Bang 2010 YG Concert Full Performances!
Phone Number + HOT + Lollipop feat. 2NE1
My Heaven
Gara Gara GO + Hands Up
Haru Haru
Phone Number + HOT + Lollipop feat. 2NE1
My Heaven
Gara Gara GO + Hands Up
Haru Haru
Sunday, March 27, 2011
[VIDEO] Big Bang’s “What Is Right” Performance on Inkigayo!
(source: sjbbwonderful@yt tip: samosvetlee@twitter)
[NEWS] Actress Kim Min Ji is close to Big Bang’s Seungri
Four months into MCing for KBS’s “Music Bank,” actress Kim Min Ji feels that she’s ready to tackle just about anything on the show now that she’s gone garnered enough experience through her fair share of live mishaps.
There’s no denying that the industry is flooded with idols lately, which raises curiosity as to how close she is with them, especially since she works so up close and personal with idols on a weekly basis.
“I thought I’d get close to them too, but it’s not really like that. The waiting room for MCs and the waiting room for artists are actually quite far apart so I haven’t had the opportunity to get closer with them. Even so, I’ve gotten close with SECRET’s Hyosung and Big Bang’s Seungri. I don’t quite have the freedom of mindset to be making friends yet.”
(source: akp)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
[NEWS] YG Life teaser for Big Bang’s comeback?
YG Entertainment has just unveiled a mysterious image on their official ‘YG-Life‘ blog.
Speculations are running rampant over the context of the message which was unveiled on the night of March 26th, which reads “I Hate This Love Song !“.
Considering how YGE is preparing for both 2NE1’s comeback and Big Bang’s 4.5 re-packaged album in April, we’re guessing that the two different colors in the message are hints at the two title tracks from the groups.
(source: akp)
[Interview] Taeyang's Interview on W Korea Magazine April Edition
Among the members, you’re the one that showed a lot through music last year. It seemed like you were feeling a bit disappointed for not promoting enough on television and doing enough activities so how would you rate yourself for your first full length album?
It was the best I could do. I’m sure those who like me wanted to see me more on stage and it’s true that I wanted to show more on stage but now that I come to think of it, I think I did the best that I could.
What do you think about GD&TOP performing together this year?
On one side, I was very envious. I was envious because they were together and because they tested out a lot of things on this album. I think in the future, we’ll try those small activities among the members and not only focus on full length albums as a group. I’m saying this for the first time through W interview, but I’ll introduce you to what it’s like to work with Jiyong. I don’t know what kind of song will be made, but we’re looking for something fresh. He’s a friend that’s very determined and since both of our styles are total opposites, I think it’ll be a good match. I’ve only asked for a couple of features after I finish making the song, but if we work together from the beginning, I think something new will definitely come out.
[INTERVIEW] Daesung “I am preparing for a solo album” W Magazine!
W:During this period of time, the other members are busy with their own activities except for Daesung. Still, you seem to desire singing the most.
DS: I really want to step onto the stage. All this while I am preparing for a solo album, but this is delayed since I have to film for the drama. The filming has just wrapped up a while ago.
W: So the voice that exploded in the climax of “Cafe” is Daesung’s!
DS: Overall, my voice’s condition has a huge influence in it. I can’t sing in falsetto. The first verse was supposed to be Youngbae’s part – I suggested using my normal voice to sing the second verse, bringing it into the climax. I usually listen to rock-and-roll. Also, since my voice is rich, I can pull off singing smoothly. Before this I have practice how to make my voice stand out. Under Jiyong hyung’s guidance, I manage to pull it off relatively well.
W: As a vocalist, you seem to be like a capable person who can pull of different genres. What kind of music do you want to produce personally?
DS: I like Urban Sound, Soul, R&B, these genres. The company and I are coordinating to producing songs of these type as well as music that everyone likes.
W: In “Tonight” MV, you are the only one who come in contact with a woman. When did you start taking on the sexy image in the group?
DS: The other members often tease me because of this, saying it’s not sexy but provocative. They said even if I wear a white vest without any designs and a T shirt I am still very provocative. I want to say that the other members had taken this joke too far, but just not long ago the manager in charge of filming (the MV) also told me my eyes had became provocative, is there anything different about me? Maybe it’s because I cut and dyed my hair black…maybe it’s because I yearn to perform during the long hiatus (laughs).
W: After completing the filming for the drama the only thing left is waiting for it to air. If you were to compare between acting and singing, what do you think?
DS: No matter when acting or singing, it is merely a form of expressing feelings. Just like it is my own story, it’s telling something that might happen to me. This is the only area (where acting and singing) is similar. Although this is the first time I challenge acting, acting is still more difficult. Song Ji-na (an author) always said “A person who can’t act is an actor”. I always keep this in mind. If I am even the slightest bit deliberate, even breathing will seem fake. At first, I thought that I can show my natural self, but I realise this is actually quite difficult! It’s different for variety shows, I just need to absorb myself into it (laughs).
W: Daesung is on variety shows and trot as well giving off friendly vibe, but you seem to yearn on expressing a different side of you.
DS: There are different sides hidden within every person, and it is the same for me. Normally I am shy and don’t talk much; nobody will believe me if I say this, right? Although from now on I want to do music that I like, that is more sincere, I do not plan to erase the behavior that entertained everyone. A lot of people have difficulty finding an attitude that suit themselves, so for me to be able to pull it off is very lucky. I think I need to integrate this with what I want to do, so everyone will not see much difference.
W: So will you continue maintaining your sexy image? (laughs)
DS: I am fairly satisfied with this, so lately I try not to smile, not looking at the sides but looking to the front.
translated: wings@baidu + j-lene@bbupdates
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