October 27:
Taeyang: @officialse7en 워럽 씨븐형!What up Se7en-hyung!
Se7en: 워럽 티양!!!
What up Taeyang!!!
Note: Taeyang misspelled Se7en's name (Seaven). Se7en replied misspelling Taeyang's name too (Teayang). [Thanks elusive!]
October 28:
Taeyang: 왜 프로필사진이안바뀔까..Why didn't my profile photo change?
Taeyang: 바뀐건가..?! 난 안보이는데..
Did it change already?! I can't see it..
+) He replaced his profile photo with this:

+) He also changed his location from "EARTH" to "LIGHT"
Taeyang: BUSAN!!:) 너무 재밌었어요~! 좋은추억만들어줘서 고마워요!! 또 만나요!
BUSAN!!:) I really had fun~! Thanks for the good memories!! See ya!
Se7en: @Realtaeyang 형두 티양아^^
Hyung too, Taeyang-ah^^
Taeyang: @officialse7en ;) 히히
;) Hihi
+) He changed his profile photo again with this:

October 29:
Taeyang: Wooahaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh....!!!!!!Minzy: MINZY's TV #2 Chrisette Michele - What's You Do live..(cover)
Taeyang: @mingkki21 너가 찍은거야..?
Did you take this video..?
Minzy: ㅡ ㅡ 챙피하게 트위터로 물어보다니...>_<....ㅋㅋ
ㅡㅡ You're making me feel embarrassed.. You're asking through Twitter.. >_<
Taeyang: @mingkki21 그래..? 너가찍은거야??
Did you? Did you take it??
Minzy: 몰라요~>_<#
I don't know~>_<
Taeyang: @mingkki21 머야..
Taeyang: @codeboram 형 생일이구나?! 축하해!! 조만간 만나자~!!
It's your birthday?! Congratulations!! We should meet up soon~!!
Translations from @huisuyoon
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