Group Bigbang’s Daesung was involved in a car accident on the 31st. The Police stated that the victim has deceased and that Daesung is charged with ‘neglecting safe driving duties.’
Since Daesung’s car hit a motorcycle that had already fallen before his arrival and not a moving car, his charge is ‘neglectful accident’ rather than a ‘intrusion of safe driving distance.’
Daesung’s punishment depends on whether or not the motorcyclist was dead at the time of Daesung’s car crash.
If the motorcyclist was already dead when Daesung’s car crashed, this is a ‘ruin of corpse’ and not a ‘car accident violence’ and thus Daesung is not lawfully responsible for a compensation, although morally expected.
Even if the motorcyclist was alive when the second collision (by Daesung’s car) occurred, Daesung’s “neglect” was not heavy (a ‘heavy neglect’ would include DUI and traffic signal violation) and therefore will not lead to Daesung’s imprisonment and the like. He is, however, lawfully responsible to compensate. A typical fatal car accidents are at least $18,000 ~ $28,000 and depends on the annual income from there.
(source: toptopia@tumblr)
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