According to police, around 1:30AM today, Daesung was crossing the Yanghwa Bridge in his car. The taxi in front of Daesung’s car was slowing down to make a left turn, but right then the driver spotted the motorcyclist passed out on the street. He made a quick lane change to avoid hitting the victim and stopped the vehicle to call the police. Another car apparently was running behind the taxi but it discovered the motorcyclist lying on the ground in advance to safely pass by without making any contact. Daesung, however, driving behind the second vehicle, was unable to see the motorcyclist and ended up hitting both the victim and the taxi.
Daesung told the police “I felt a bump in the car so I stepped on the brake, but the brake did not work.” However, the police said, “No skid marks were shown on the spot, so Daesung probably did not step on the brake.”
The issue at hand now is whether the victim was already dead prior to Daesung’s contact with him, or if his death came as a result of Daesung crashing into him. The police have questioned Daesung for five hours this morning and the damaged motorcycle is currently being examined by the National Forensic Service. The police are also looking at the possibility of a hit-and-run accident that could have occurred before the taxi spotted the motorcyclist as they are waiting for autopsy results.
Source: Chosun + Toptopia + Soompi
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