Thursday, September 16, 2010

[NEWS] Daesung is Hades, a rock singer (Fan Account)

On Sept. 15, 2010, some lucky fans were invited to participate as extras in the filming of Daesung’s drama “What’s Up” at AX-KOREA. Here is a brief fan account about the filming.

His nickname is ‘God of Hell’「HADES」, a rock singer! He sang two songs, the first song is called 「Rock Star」which is regarded as heavy metal! This is very powerful and the attractive dance is very impressive. When he sang this song, he was wearing a white vest/waistcoat, very sexy ~~!

The second song is also a rock number but it started off more affably until it came to the climax point where it appeared shocking. You may anticipate for this song, I am deeply impressed with his voice as well as his skillful VOCAL. In addition, he was wearing a sleeveless long coat.
I would like to elaborate more in detail but because the drama series will be broadcasted next year, I must be discreet in order to avoid revealing「What’s Up」plot. I am sorry that I cannot reveal more.
Ah, he was wearing a mask! So I did not get to see his face, this is such a tragedy~~~

 Photos from 루돌프사슴코 @ DCDS + Fan account from : melody
Chinese translation : fuanner @ SMILE HOLIC
English translation : Miseremei @
credit if re-post & do not remove or change any of the credits
Shared by:emy@allaboutbigbang

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