Saturday, September 11, 2010

Taeyang, “From the members in Big Bang, I rank myself 3rd in appearance”

Big Bang’s Taeyang ranked himself as 3rd in the ranking of appearance amongst the members in Big Bang.

Taeyang’s appearance in “Guerilla Date” was broadcasted on the 11th through KBS 2TV “Entertainment Tonight”.

While Taeyang was in the streets the fans cheered enthusiastically and he responded to them with great songs. Taeyang’s gift of singing even went as far as calling a foreign woman. Subsequently, during the “Truth talk” Taeyang’s ingenuous appearance was revealed.

When asked what place he ranked himself in “looks/appearance” amongst Big Bang members, he placed himself as #3. However, he aroused curiosity from the public when he wouldn’t reveal the rankings of the other members.

Then when questioned what he ranked himself in terms of “variety skills” he confessed he would rank himself last.

Source: 엑스포츠뉴스
Translated: Jae In @ ibigbang

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