Wednesday, September 1, 2010

[TRANSLATION] Big Bang Weekly Magazine Interview

1. Up until today, what are the things that a girl had said to you that made you happy?
2. Any working experience?
3. If you have a whole week off, what will you do?
4. Which made do you think is the funniest recently?
5.  If a girl that you think is “the one” is walking towards  you, you will…?

1. Didn’t say anything, just kept on hugging. That is the happiest moment!
2. Don’t have any working experience, but want to try to work in a liquor store.
3.  I want to go to an island with no people with a friend.
4. TOP’s japanese (laugh)
5. I wouldn’t let her go. I will be straight forward and tell her about my feelings out loud!

 1. This…I haven’t thought of that question yet. Right now, please say something that will make me happy!
2. Delivering milk in the morning
3. want to go on vacation with with the person that i love, or go somewhere interesting to play with the staff ~~
4. TOP’s japanese (laugh)
5.  would just stare, probably won’t be able to say anything.

1.  Rather than what a girl said to be, what the fans say makes me the most happy!! (MS this should be Seungri’s answer?)
2. no work experience. If asked what kind of work i want to do? I probably just do my best!
3. want to go on a quiet trip alone.
4. The members’ every movement makes me laugh ~~
5. I want to be able to rely on her!~~!

1. Saying, “D-LITE , You are incredible ah” to me. I will be very happy.
2. no work experience. Want to try to work at a BBQ shop.
3. want to go on a trip by myself, or with Big Bang members ~~
 4. Day by day, TOP’s improvement on Japanese.
5.  I would say, ” Nice weather today ah…hahahaha…”

1.If [she] said to me, “very sexy ah” I would be very happy because most of the time, males said it to females and rarely females to males.~~
2. Don’t have any work experience.  want to try working as a flight attendant.~~
3.[I] want to go to a someplace alone that have a blue sky and a cool coast.
4.  about TOP’s Japanese is getting better and better ~~
5. I believe I probably would just kiss [her] ~~ (OMG~!)

Wahaha~Seungri wants the girl to told hm "Very sexy ah"?? It's wierd...
Does TOP's Japanese is the funniest?? 
Haha..Pity on you,TOP...(laugh)

Source: Baidu
Translation: Maggie @ ibigbang
Share: Emy@allaboutbigbang

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