Wednesday, September 1, 2010

[TRANSLATIONS] Bigbang Featured On BPASS Magazine

BIGBANG has increased their quantity of production and they have recently produced some songs with very strong rhythms and clear images. It has been a long time since they were last intreviewed by us.

Reporter: It has been a long time since you were here! Please tell us what you are busy with at the moment. D-Lite: We are busy preparing our next album and we are also attending different music festivals in Japan.
TOP: Besides working in BIGBANG as a group, I have just finished the filming and released the MV of ‘Turn It Up’ and I have done some promotion for this song too. Moreover, ‘Into the fire’, the film that I finished half a yar ago is also shown now so I have to promote it as well. This movie received really good response and it has more than 3 millions views in Korean which set a record.

Reported: What is the film about?
TOP: It is about how a group of students face the Korean War.However, students are not the focus, we focus on how students participated in this war and tried to deliever their unique stories.

Reporter: How about the others?
GD: I am preparing the solo album for BIGBANG and I have some relaxing time recently.
SOL: Similar to TOP, I have also done some solo activities. I am very busy indeed.

Reporter: You have already released your solo album, ‘I Need A Girl’. How is the response?
SOL: Very good. My song has occupied the first place of the music charts for quite a long time and it also claimed the third place on America iTune chart of R&B genre.

Reporter: Ohoh!
TOP: In fact, mine has even claimed the first place of R&B genre.

Reporter: Ohoh~~ So you have to go to USA to do a live show!
SOL: I want to do so if I have a chance.
Reporter: How about VI?
VI: I was admitted to the hospital because of appendicitis. Although I have already recovered from it,I was super painful before I had the operation. Appendicitis is really killing, my father had also had his cecum cut.

Reporter: It is so good to be recovered!
VI: Because I am still so young. (Laugh)
TOP: I was so busy that I did not visit him at the hospital.
GD: He is the maknae(youngest brother) who was loved by all of us so we all want to visit him in person.
VI: However, I understand that it is because all of you were so busy that you did not come to visit me. When I thought like that, I would not feel lonely then. (Laugh)

Reporter: ‘Beautiful Hangover’ was finally released, please tell us how did you produce this song?
G-D: The demo of this song was made a long time ago and then we had to decide when we should release this song. Since we have to release new song in this summer , we wanted a song characterized by a very fast rhythm. Therefore, we decided to release this song. At night, when you listen to this song in a very stressful and noisy city, the image of summer will pop up in your mind. This is a song that will make you associate a journey that you are hearding to find your special someone.

Reporter: Yes, it is definitey like this!
TOP: It is just like passing a tunnel to reach a brand new world. I hope this song can enable me to reach another stage of my life too.

Reporter: It is the song that you specially desinged for the release of Japanese single?
GD: Yes, it is.

Reporter: What do you think is the difference between Korean songs and Japanese songs?
GD: I want to show the different styles of music in Korea and Japan. I want to carry out our activities in different countries with different musical styles and then, after we perform, we can see how good the response is. Afterwards, the we can alter the style of our songs according to the response, isn’t it good? In this way, our range of music styles can be widened in this way too. The club tone style of songs ‘GARA GARA GO!’ , ‘MY HEAVEN’ are suitable to be released in Japan while the house temp songs like ‘Haru Haru’ (released in 2008 and was a great hit in Korea) are more suitable in Korea. Since ‘Beautiful Hangover’ is a song carries the style which is similar to the Japanese pop songs; therefore, I produced them specially for Japanese fans.

Reporter: What do the others think about the song?
SOL: I think this is a very rhythmic song.
G-D: For the melody, it already gives us a very strong feeling and you can also find a very happy feeling of summer inside it. I hope it can spice up the whole atmosphere. I hope to cheer up those who are upset by the hot weather with this song!
VI: I think ‘is it just a song which can match with summer’? The lyrics is very easy to be remembered and the atmosphere of this song is very hot indeed as well. The melody is superb and the chorus is excellent and so does the lyrics. This is a song which contains a very strong summer feeling! It is especially true for the rapping part of GD and TOP in the second phrase of the lyrics.

Reporter: How did you compose the rapping part?
TOP: I have always been exploring a new rapping style since I want to give a new taste to my fans every now and then. I have tried some different things in this rap.

Reporter: How about you, D-Lite?
D-Lite: I think this is a song that you will like to listen to when you are driving. It is really suitable for you to do so.

Reporter: What do you pay special attention to when you are preforming this song?
D-Lite: We have to pay attention to how to convey this kind of songs with very strong rhythm. We want to convey the feeling of this song by performing it vividly on the stage.

Reporter: This song is very different from the previous song, ‘Tell Me Goodbye’.
GD: I deliberately did it on purpose. I want to overthrow the previous image that we gave you every now and then.
TOP: We all want to reach a new stage of our life with this song. At the same time, we all want to present a new side of BIGBANG from time to time, we are all striving for this and we are all satisfied with this.

Reporter: Which part do you particularly like?
GD: I love the climax of the song. The reason why I made it as a Japanese single was because the climax part. Therefore, the lyrics ‘beautiiul hangover’ which appears in the lyrics was used to be the title of the song as well.
VI: It will be great if all of you can sing ‘HEY! HO!’ with us.

Reporter: It is good that we can sing the song together! How do you perform the song?
SOL: Our dancing steps perfectly match with the song..

Reporter: GD has mentiond that since the chorus is very impressive so he chose ‘Beautiful Hangover’ to be the name of the song. In fact, what does this title mean?
GD: ‘Hangover’ means drunkenness, it is very contradictory with the positive adjective ‘beautiful’. I deliberately put them together. Whenever we think of hangover, we will associate t with headache and pain. I want to describe her beauty as hangover since we will be obsessed with her. And whenever we think of her, we will immediately have headache and chest pain. Although ‘hangover’ can be referred to many more things, I personally think that it is a language that we can use to describe the degree of beauty of your lover.
Reporter: The other song ‘Somebody To Love’ also is a song of a brand new style of BIGBANG!
GD: We want to focus on the topic ‘love’. We have been singing love songs which describe the relationship between ‘me’ and ‘her’. However, we want to talk about the relationsip of ‘somebody’ this time. We created this song since we want more people to echo with us, we don’t only pinpoint the relationship with ‘me’ and ‘her’ but that of ‘somebody’ feels love from ‘somebody’, hoping that all people who have this kind of experience can feel the same with us.
Reporter: You wrote this for the one who feels your love?
GD: I wrote this for people who feel confused when looking for their love and their special ‘somebody’. I want to convey the message that ‘you can ultimately find her some days’ to them. Even if you break up with your lover, you can meet your destiny when you are still chasing your love continuosly. You will definitely be loved by ‘somebody’ again. Therefore, I chose this as the title of this song and I really want to encourage all of the love chasers never lose heart in the path of their love chasing journey.

Reporter: I really want to listen to this song now. Can you please tell us what you want to achieve later on?
GD: We want to be the band which is ‘a must existence’ no matter in Japan or Korea. We are all workng hard solidly to achieve this goal.

translations:thanks to Rice@bigbangworld! ^^ pictures: thanks to tisya@bbupdates! (:

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