Thursday, January 6, 2011

[VIDEO/News] Big Bang BIG SHOW 2011 Teaser!

(source: bigbang@yt)

From YG representative: The top class show, Bigbang’s BIG SHOW! Until now all the members have worked hard in different area, now finally they’re back at one place. Along with the announcement of the third album, this concert is held to fulfill the fans thirst that have waited for 2 years and 3 months. Apart from their personal activities, the members are going to show you not only music, but also various performances as well ^^ Don’t miss the greatest show made by the greatest people, 2011 BIGBANG Concert, [BIG SHOW]!

◆ Concert Outline ◆
Concert name: 2011 BIGBANG Concert [BIG SHOW]

Fri, 25th February 2011 /8pm
Sat, 26th February 2011/ 6pm
Sun, 27th February 2011/6pm

Place: Olympic Athletic Stadium
Ticket: VIP 88.000 KRW / R 77.000 KRW (tax included)
Host/Directed: YG Entertainment
Sponsored by: Gmarket, FILA Korea, Nikon, etc

◆ Ticket Sales ◆
Reservation: Gmarket (, phone: 1566-5702

Purchasing date:
Fri, 25th February 2011 concert --> Tue, 18th January 2011, 8PM
Sat, 26th February 2011 concert --> Wed, 19th February 2011, 8PM
Sun, 27th February 2011 concert --> Thu, 20th February 2011, 8PM

Source: BIGBANG Daum + Youtube
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