Tuesday, May 31, 2011

[VIDEO] Video footage of Daesung’s car accident revealed!


Daesung was carrying a bible in his car because he is really faithful thanks to his father’s teachings. Yang Hyun Suk spoke about Daesung’s state again, “Daesung was in a big shock from this accident and he cried a lot. Apart from whether it was his fault or not, grieving for the death of the motorcycle driver is much harder for him. “

(source: daum tanslated: alee@ibigbang)


Jung Jae Hyung, a pianist close to Daesung and Lee Hyori posted a message on twitter and a reply to Hyori’s tweet regarding Daesung. 

일어나 보니 대성이의 사고소식.안타깝네요.여린 대성이의 모습을 생각하니 마음이 무겁습니다.
Jung Jae Hyung: I woke up to see news of Daesung’s car accident. It’s unfortunate. I think Daesung who has a tender appearance must have a heavy heart right now. 

@frog799 걱정이네… 휴
@frog799: It’s worrying… huhu

(source: @le_petit_piano translated: alee@ibigbang)

Translation: "Knowing that Daesung’s character is one that will always turn things around to make it his own fault, it makes me more sad and worried…"

Source: Lee Hyori on Twittter
Translated by: Sara @ bigbangupdates + fuckyeahbigbangstuff


이어 “대성이 시속 80km로 주행하던 중 앞을 미처 보지 못해 사고가 난 것으로 안전운전 의무 불이행에 해당된다”며 “도로 속도 규정이 60km여서 80km 달렸으면 속도위반에 해당되나 대성의 진술이기 때문에 실제 얼마로 달렸는지는 더 조사해봐야 한다”고 덧붙였다. 

Police stated that Daesung was speeding on a road that has a limit of 60km/hr, while Daesung was driving at 80km/hr so he can be charged for that but they’re still investigating whether the motorcyclist died BEFORE or AFTER Daesung arrived.

source: star


The police have come out with a statement for the first stage of the investigation saying that they believe Daesung is not behind the motorcyclist’s death. They’ll need to continue their investigation, but for now they believe the motorcyclist was already dead at the scene due to the hit and run before Daesung and the taxi driver got there.

(source: bestiz + Flibbertigibbet@6theory)


“This is what the news are reporting on tv. Daesung ran over the already dead body and when the taxi stopped in front of the body to check on it, Daesung crashed into the taxi. The taxi driver changed lanes when he noticed the motorcyclist and stopped, got out and tried to dial 119. Mind you, this is already dark outside so Daesung driving behind the taxi driver didn’t see the body and ran over it and then hit the taxi since he couldn’t react fast enough. The taxi driver is not injured..no matter what people will put the blame on Daesung.”

Basically the motorcyclist was in between Daesung’s car and the taxi. Daesung hit the already unconscious and perhaps dead motorcyclist and then he hit the taxi because he wasn’t able to break fast enough.

The Korean media is reporting that as of 6:50AM KST, Daesung has completed five hours of initial investigations with the police, and is making his way home.
The star was described to have worn a black hoodie over his face while leaving the police station with his manager.

Police commented, “Daesung was overwhelmed with the accident today, but he diligently took part in the investigations.

(source: happyrichlife0818@yt+Sieljjang@twitter+akp)

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